Advice before the first Hubert interview

Fredrik Törn
14 June, 2023

Is this your first time taking a Hubert interview? To feel safe and well prepared, we suggest you have a look at the advice below. In doing so, you will be able to demonstrate your strengths and competencies, improving your chances of landing the job you are applying for!  

About the interview

At your interview, you will have a conversation with our chatbot, Hubert. Hubert will ask you the same type of questions you would get a normal, in-person interview: He will ask about your previous experiences, education, competencies, and other practical requirements for the job.

We invite you and all the other candidates for the job to take a first Hubert interview. In doing so, the recruiting company can provide a faster recruitment process. Also, it means that you and other candidates are given the same chance to show your competencies and get a fair and unbiased assessment! Unlike a face-to-face interview (where your body language, clothing, or eye-contact may affect how a recruiter will judge you), in a Hubert interview, only your answers matter. And all candidates are treated equally.

Answer the questions in text in the same way you would have answered them in a physical meeting. Please note that Hubert has not read your CV or cover letter, so let Hubert get to know you by telling him about yourself.

Keep in mind that you are one of many applicants competing for this job. To have a chance to proceed to the final interview with the company's recruiter, it is important that you do the Hubert interview with the same commitment and care as in a regular interview with a real person.

How Hubert works

You can take the Hubert interview whenever and wherever it suits you. We suggest that you do the interview in a place where there is peace and quiet so that you can concentrate and where you can write in a comfortable way. You can take a break in the interview and continue where you last left off. There is no time limit, so you can take as long time as you want. We recommend using a computer with a keyboard, rather than a mobile phone, to answer the questions if you are not very used to writing detailed answers on your mobile.

Hubert will ask a mix of simple yes/no-type questions and open-ended questions using a well-established technique known as structured, competency-based interviews. This is a method that research has proven to be most valid to predict performance at work. The competency-based questions will investigate key competencies that the job requires and Hubert will ask about specific situations you have been in, what your actions were, and what the result was.

Let's look at an example question:

A not so good answer to this question would be “I always give good service”. Rather, Hubert wants you to elaborate on what the situation was about, for instance telling about how you worked as a waiter on a restaurant, and that there was a specially busy day. You should tell Hubert about what happened, and what specific actions you took. In what way did you give excellent service? Let Hubert and recruiters know, and don’t hesitate to provide some details. Also, remember to let Hubert and recruiters know about what the result was. Were customers happy? Was your boss happy? In what way? By informing about the result, Hubert and recruiters can judge the impact of your actions.

As a general advice for how to succeed in the Hubert interview, put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter. What do you think they would deem as a good and relevant answer? Probably it is an answer that meets some of the basic criteria for the role, as well as something that makes your answer somewhat special or at least beyond the basic criteria for the role.

If you are not used to going to job interviews and answering questions about yourself, perhaps you may want to let a friend interview you in a mock interview. And then give you feedback and make you think about the answers you presented.

After the Hubert interview

After you have completed the interview, Hubert automatically assesses your answers using state-of-the-art technology to judge how well your answers match the requirements for the job. Hubert is an expert in understanding answers, but if there is something he would not understand, a human expert will review those answers. As soon as the assessment is completed, results are visible to you in My Hubert and to the recruiter in his/her job application system.

Based on Hubert’s advisory assessment and their own judgment, recruiters decide if you will be invited to the next step in their recruitment process. This next step might be a telephone call, inviting you to take a test, or scheduling you for a final interview. Alternatively, recruiters may decide to wait with next steps for some time. Or – if they find that other candidates are a better match for the job – they may unfortunately reject your application for the job.

Three tips:

·  Be as specific and elaborate in your answers as you can. Hubert and recruiters really want to get to know you well!

·  Take the time you need.

·  Be yourself and do the Hubert interview with the same commitment as you would in a real-person interview.

Fredrik Törn
14 June, 2023

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