Integration guide

Small integration guide to setup Hubert integration with Teamtailor.

Step 1

Generating an API key

  1. Navigate to :

  2. Click on the to generate a new api key.

    1. Name it e.g. Hubert AI

    2. Choose API Scope as Admin

    3. Check both checkboxes.

  3. Copy the key in the API key field, e.g. $Up3RS3Cr€t4P1_k3Y

Step 2

Setting up triggers

  1. Navigate to :

  2. Click on the to get the triggers menu.

  3. Click on the in the Inbox-stage to get the Add trigger menu.

  4. Select Send AI Screening

    Send AI Screening

Step 3

Choosing Hubert Trigger Settings

  1. Select the job role template you want for this job.

  2. Setup Stages

    Threshold, the score used to move the candidates to the selected High/Low Scored candidates. Valued value 0-100.

    Move High Scored Candidates to:, what stages good scored candidates to.

    Move Low Scored Candidates to:, what stages low scored candidates to.

  3. Click