Small integration guide to setup Hubert integration with Teamtailor.
Navigate to : Teamtailor Application Settings Integration API keys
Click on the New api key to generate a new api key.
Name it e.g. Hubert AI
Choose API Scope as Admin
Check both checkboxes. ReadWrite
Copy the key in the API key field, e.g. $Up3RS3Cr€t4P1_k3Y
Navigate to : Teamtailor Application Jobs Job you want to activare
Click on the Triggers to get the triggers menu.
Click on the in the Inbox-stage to get the Add trigger menu.
Select Send AI Screening
Select the job role template you want for this job.
Threshold, the score used to move the candidates to the selected High/Low Scored candidates. Valued value 0-100.
Move High Scored Candidates to:, what stages good scored candidates to.
Move Low Scored Candidates to:, what stages low scored candidates to.
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